Deep Links

Deep Links are URLs which point to a specific part of a document. We provide a comprehensive set of tools to help you create and manage deep links in your application.

The highest-level API for managing deep links is the deepLinks prop on the <Tldraw /> component. This prop is designed for manipulating window.location to add a search param which tldraw can use to navigate to a specific part of the document.


If you set deepLinks to true e.g. <Tldraw deepLinks /> the following default behavior will be enabled:

  1. When the editor initializes, before the initial render, it will check the current window.location for a search param called d. If found, it will try to parse the value of this param as a deep link and navigate to that part of the document.
  2. 500 milliseconds after every time the editor finishes navigating to a new part of the document, it will update window.location to add the latest version of the d param.

You can customize this behavior by passing a configuration object as the deepLinks prop. e.g.

		// change the param name to `page`
		paramName: 'page',
		// only link to the current page
		getTarget(editor) {
			return { type: 'page', pageId: editor.getCurrentPageId() }
		// log the new search params to the console instead of updating `window.location`
		onChange(url) {
			console.log('the new search params are', url.searchParams)
		// set the debounce interval to 100ms instead of 500ms
		debounceMs: 100,

For full options see the TLDeepLinkOptions API reference.

We expose the core functionality for managing deep links as a set of methods and utilities. This gives you more control e.g. if you prefer not to use search params in the URL.

You can create an isolated deep link string using the createDeepLinkString helper which takes a TLDeepLink descriptor object.

createDeepLinkString({ type: 'page', pageId: 'page:abc123' })
// => 'pabc123'
createDeepLinkString({ type: 'shapes', shapeIds: ['shape:foo', 'shape:bar'] })
// => ''
	type: 'viewport',
	pageId: 'page:abc123',
	bounds: {
		x: 0,
		y: 0,
		w: 1024,
		h: 768,
// => 'v0.0.1024.768.abc123'

If you do prefer to put this in a URL as a query param, you can use the Editor.createDeepLink method.

editor.createDeepLink({ to: { type: 'page', pageId: 'page:abc123' } })
// => ''

You can parse a deep link string with parseDeepLinkString which returns a TLDeepLink descriptor object.

You can then call Editor.navigateToDeepLink with this descriptor to navigate to the part of the document described by the deep link.

Editor#navigateToDeepLink also can take a plain URL if the deep link is encoded as a query param.

// or pass in a url
editor.navigateToDeepLink({ url: '' })
// or call without options to use the current `window.location`

You can listen for deep link changes with the Editor.registerDeepLinkListener method, which takes the same options as the deepLinks prop.

useEffect(() => {
	const unlisten = editor.registerDeepLinkListener({
		paramName: 'page',
		getTarget(editor) {
			return { type: 'page', pageId: editor.getCurrentPageId() }
		onChange(url) {
			console.log('the new search params are', url.searchParams)
		debounceMs: 100,
	return () => {
}, [])
import { Tldraw } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

export default function DeepLinksExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
			<Tldraw persistenceKey="example" deepLinks />
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