Shape meta (on create)
We can update a shape's metadata whenever it is created. A UI displays the current selected shape's metadata. Create a shape and select it. The metadata will display its created at / created by data.
import { TLShape, Tldraw, track, useEditor } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'
// There's a guide at the bottom of this file!
export default function OnCreateShapeMetaExample() {
return (
<div className="tldraw__editor">
onMount={(editor) => {
editor.getInitialMetaForShape = (_shape) => {
return {
createdBy: editor.user.getId(),
<MetaUiHelper />
// [2]
type ShapeWithMyMeta = TLShape & { meta: { updatedBy: string; updatedAt: string } }
// [3]
export const MetaUiHelper = track(function MetaUiHelper() {
const editor = useEditor()
const onlySelectedShape = editor.getOnlySelectedShape() as ShapeWithMyMeta | null
return (
<pre style={{ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 300, top: 64, left: 12, margin: 0 }}>
? JSON.stringify(onlySelectedShape.meta, null, '\t')
: 'Select one shape to see its meta data.'}
This is example demonstrates how to add your own data to shapes using the meta property as they're
created. Check out the docs for a more detailed explanation of the meta property:
getInitialMetaForShape is a method you can replace at runtime. Here we use a callback on the onMount
prop to replace the default implementation with our own.
All tldraw shapes have a meta property with a type of unknown. To type your meta data you can use
a union like this.
A minimal ui component that displays the meta data of the selected shape. We use track to make sure
that the component is re-rendered when the signals it's tracking change. Check out the signia docs
for more info:
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Shape meta (on change)Next
Meta Migrations