Editable shape

In Tldraw, the Editor can have one editing shape at a time. When in its editing state, the editor will ignore events until the user exits the editing state by pressing Escape or clicking on the canvas.

Only shapes with a canEdit flag that returns true may become editable. A user may begin editing a shape by double clicking on the editable shape, or selecting the editable shape and pressing enter.

Many of our shapes use editing to allow for interactions inside of the shape. For example, a text shape behaves like a text graphic until the user begins editing it—and only then can the user use their keyboard to edit the text. Note that a shape can be interactive regardless of whether it's the editor's editing shape—the "editing" mechanic is just a way of managing a common pattern in canvas applications.

In this example we'll create a shape that renders an emoji and allows the user to change the emoji when the shape is in the editing state. Most of the relevant code for this is in the EditableShapeUtil.tsx file. If you want a more in-depth explanation of the shape util, check out the custom shape example.

import { Tldraw } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'
import { EditableShapeUtil } from './EditableShapeUtil'

const customShapeUtils = [EditableShapeUtil]

export default function EditableShapeExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
				// Pass in the array of custom shape classes
				// Create a shape when the editor mounts
				onMount={(editor) => {
					editor.createShape({ type: 'my-editable-shape', x: 100, y: 100 })


In Tldraw shapes can exist in an editing state. When shapes are in the editing state
they are focused and can't be dragged, resized or rotated. Shapes enter this state 
when they are double-clicked. In our default shapes we mostly use this for editing text. 
In this example we'll create a shape that renders an emoji and allows the user to change 
the emoji when the shape is in the editing state.

Most of the relevant code for this is in the EditableShapeUtil.tsx file. If you want a more
in-depth explanation of the shape util, check out the custom shape example.

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Custom tool (screenshot)
Tool with child states

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