Action overrides

This example shows how you can override tldraw's actions object to change the keyboard shortcuts. In this case we're changing the delete action's shortcut to 'x'. To customize the actions menu please see the custom actions menu example. For more information on keyboard shortcuts see the keyboard shortcuts example.

import { Tldraw, TLUiActionItem, TLUiActionsContextType } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

export default function BasicExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
					actions: (_editor, actions, helpers) => {
						const myCustomAction: TLUiActionItem = {
							id: 'my-action',
							label: 'My action',
							icon: 'circle',
							// [2]
							kbd: '$u',
							onSelect(source) {
								// [3]
								helpers.addToast({ title: `My action was selected from ${source}!` })

						// [4]
						const newActions: TLUiActionsContextType = {
							'my-action': myCustomAction,
							delete: {
								kbd: '!x',

						return newActions

Tldraw's actions can be fired via keyboard shortcuts, or from anywhere in the user interface via 
the `useActions` hook. This example shows how you can override tldraw's actions object via the Tldraw
component's `overrides` prop. To learn more about using this actions via a customized menu, see the 
custom actions menu example.

For kbds, Shift = !, Alt = ?, Cmd = $, i.e. Cmd+Shift+U is $!u. For more information on keyboard shortcuts see the
keyboard shortcuts example.

You can access UI helpers like addToast, removeToast, etc. from the helpers object.

Return a new object with the new actions added. You can also modify existing actions as shown here with the delete action.
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