
See source code
Table of contents
interface TLCameraConstraints {}



The camera's base for its zoom steps.

  • default: Sets the initial zoom to 100%.
  • fit-x: The x axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-y: The y axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-min: The smaller axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-max: The larger axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-x-100: The x axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-y-100: The y axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-min-100: The smaller axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-max-100: The larger axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  | 'default'
  | 'fit-max-100'
  | 'fit-max'
  | 'fit-min-100'
  | 'fit-min'
  | 'fit-x-100'
  | 'fit-x'
  | 'fit-y-100'
  | 'fit-y'


The behavior for the constraints for both axes or each axis individually.

  • free: The bounds are ignored when moving the camera.
  • 'fixed': The bounds will be positioned within the viewport based on the origin
  • contain: The 'fixed' behavior will be used when the zoom is below the zoom level at which the bounds would fill the viewport; and when above this zoom, the bounds will use the 'inside' behavior.
  • inside: The bounds will stay completely within the viewport.
  • outside: The bounds will stay touching the viewport.
  | 'contain'
  | 'fixed'
  | 'free'
  | 'inside'
  | 'outside'
  | {
      x: 'contain' | 'fixed' | 'free' | 'inside' | 'outside'
      y: 'contain' | 'fixed' | 'free' | 'inside' | 'outside'


The bounds (in page space) of the constrained space

bounds: BoxModel


The camera's initial zoom, used also when the camera is reset.

  • default: Sets the initial zoom to 100%.
  • fit-x: The x axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-y: The y axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-min: The smaller axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-max: The larger axis will completely fill the viewport bounds.
  • fit-x-100: The x axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-y-100: The y axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-min-100: The smaller axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  • fit-max-100: The larger axis will completely fill the viewport bounds, or 100% zoom, whichever is smaller.
  | 'default'
  | 'fit-max-100'
  | 'fit-max'
  | 'fit-min-100'
  | 'fit-min'
  | 'fit-x-100'
  | 'fit-x'
  | 'fit-y-100'
  | 'fit-y'


The origin for placement. Used to position the bounds within the viewport when an axis is fixed or contained and zoom is below the axis fit.

origin: VecLike


The padding inside of the viewport (in screen space)

padding: VecLike


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