Custom Grid Example

This example shows how to draw a custom grid on the canvas. It uses a 2d canvas context to draw major and minor grid lines.

import { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import { TLComponents, Tldraw, approximately, useEditor, useIsDarkMode, useValue } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

 * There's a guide at the bottom of this file!

const components: TLComponents = {
	// [1]
	Grid: ({ size, }) => {
		const editor = useEditor()

		// [2]
		const screenBounds = useValue('screenBounds', () => editor.getViewportScreenBounds(), [])
		const devicePixelRatio = useValue('dpr', () => editor.getInstanceState().devicePixelRatio, [])
		const isDarkMode = useIsDarkMode()

		const canvas = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null)

		useLayoutEffect(() => {
			if (!canvas.current) return
			// [3]
			const canvasW = screenBounds.w * devicePixelRatio
			const canvasH = screenBounds.h * devicePixelRatio
			canvas.current.width = canvasW
			canvas.current.height = canvasH

			const ctx = canvas.current?.getContext('2d')
			if (!ctx) return

			// [4]
			ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasW, canvasH)

			// [5]
			const pageViewportBounds = editor.getViewportPageBounds()

			const startPageX = Math.ceil(pageViewportBounds.minX / size) * size
			const startPageY = Math.ceil(pageViewportBounds.minY / size) * size
			const endPageX = Math.floor(pageViewportBounds.maxX / size) * size
			const endPageY = Math.floor(pageViewportBounds.maxY / size) * size
			const numRows = Math.round((endPageY - startPageY) / size)
			const numCols = Math.round((endPageX - startPageX) / size)

			ctx.strokeStyle = isDarkMode ? '#555' : '#BBB'

			// [6]
			for (let row = 0; row <= numRows; row++) {
				const pageY = startPageY + row * size
				// convert the page-space Y offset into our canvas' coordinate space
				const canvasY = (pageY + camera.y) * camera.z * devicePixelRatio
				const isMajorLine = approximately(pageY % (size * 10), 0)
				drawLine(ctx, 0, canvasY, canvasW, canvasY, isMajorLine ? 3 : 1)
			for (let col = 0; col <= numCols; col++) {
				const pageX = startPageX + col * size
				// convert the page-space X offset into our canvas' coordinate space
				const canvasX = (pageX + camera.x) * camera.z * devicePixelRatio
				const isMajorLine = approximately(pageX % (size * 10), 0)
				drawLine(ctx, canvasX, 0, canvasX, canvasH, isMajorLine ? 3 : 1)
		}, [screenBounds, camera, size, devicePixelRatio, editor, isDarkMode])

		// [7]
		return <canvas className="tl-grid" ref={canvas} />

export default function CustomGridExample() {
	return (
		<div className="tldraw__editor">
				onMount={(e) => {
					e.updateInstanceState({ isGridMode: true })

function drawLine(
	ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
	x1: number,
	y1: number,
	x2: number,
	y2: number,
	width: number
) {
	ctx.moveTo(x1, y1)
	ctx.lineTo(x2, y2)
	ctx.lineWidth = width

 * This example demonstrates how to draw a custom grid component using a 2d canvas.
 * 1. To add a custom grid you must override this Grid component. It is passed props for the camera position, along with the size of the grid in page space.
 * 2. In addition to updating when the camera moves, we want the grid to rerender if the screen bounds change, or if the devicePixelRatio changes, or if the theme changes.
 * 3. To avoid pixelation we want to render at the device's actual resolution, so we need to set the canvas size in terms of the devicePixelRatio.
 * 4. Start by clearing the canvas and making it transparent.
 * 5. Calculate the start and end offsets for the grid, in page space.
 * 6. Draw the grid lines. We draw major lines every 10 grid units.
 * 7. The 'tl-grid' class is important for correct rendering and interaction handling.
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Data grid shape

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